husi Hau nia toba tamba rona feto ho nasionalidade Xina loke odamatan
haris-fatin iha hotel dormitoriu ne’ebe Hau toba ba iha Kathmandu, Nepal. Liman
lamas buka telefone hodi hare oras no oras hatudu tuku hitu liu minutu balu oras
Nepal nian. Isin sei hakarak kontinua toba maibe hanoin komesa dehan lae no fo
hanoin misaun ida ne’ebe Mana Asy Angelina Juliana ( Asesora Nasional iha
CNCS-TL ) fo mai kuandu Hau dehan ba nia Hau atu backpacker ba Nepal iha semana
ida nia laran. Maibe rai malirin Nepal nia halo Hau kontinua dukur, kontinua
hakfodak tamba feto Xineza ohin loke odamatan haris-fatin nia no dehan “hi..good morning Mariani..” ho laran
tristi ituan no liman kose matan Hau hatan “morning
Sherlly.. what you going to do today?” ho reaksaun hanoin makas enkuantu
tata nia ibun okos “ hmmm…” nia komesa
lao lais ba foti nia telefone no tipu ou ketik no hatudu mai Hau nia rezultadu no Hau le’e
liafuan ingles “ring” no nia husu Hau atu koalia sai liafuan “ring” hodi nune
nia bele halo tuir. Sherlly kontinua koalia “today
I’m going to buy ring, Nepal ring beutifull..very beautifull with natural
stone” no hamnasa kontenti los to nia matan sira ne’e taka a’an hotu.
Sherlly husu fali Hau “ You going to
Kathmandu Durbar Square today?” Hau hatan “ No, I been there when my first day in Nepal” no kontinua koalia “because today is November 31th my last full
day in Nepal, I will go to Catholic curch here in Kathmandu want to see and
write about it” no Sherlly hatan “
ok, see you tonight”.
Igreja Katolika Assumption Church parte oin. Kathmandu, Nepal. |
Igreja Katolika Assumption Church parte kotuk. Kathmandu, Nepal |
Eskola primaria iha Assumption Church nia kotuk. Kiak nia oan barak mak eskola iha eskola ne'e no Sister Angelica sai professora ba labarik sira |
Estudante Eskola primaria Assumption Church |
Oras Nepal
nia hatudu 13.30 bainhira Hau sae iha taxi laran husi Thamel ( fatin hotel ) ho
diresaun Igreja Katolika St. Mary, Lalitpur District. Ami para iha eskola bot
ho moru haleu ida ho hakerek St. Mary Catholic School iha nia didin lolon
purtaun nian, taxista dehan mai Hau “this
is St. Mary” ho oin konfuzaun no matan hateke tun-sae ba eskola ne’e Hau
hatan “no, I want to go to St. Mary
Catholic Church not the school” no nia hatan ho oin konfuzaun liu tan duke
Hau nian “ curs..? you call number phone”
ho nervozu ituan Hau hatan “it’s
church, place for pray like Hindu & Buddha temple or stupa no number phone”
nia hakruk sinal komprende maibe Hau duvida nia komprende. La hein tempu
Hau haruka nia tun hodi husu ema sira ne’ebe lao iha dalan, kios nain, eskola
oan, ferik, katuas no seluk tan no hotu-hotu fo hatudu dalan ba nia maibe kuaze
oras ida nia laran ami lao buka tun-sae seidauk hetan deit. Hau komesa hamlaha
ona, oin halai ituan, nervozu no sinti arepende,
nusa ohin Hau la tur sante tia iha Peace Garden hateke ai-funan sira ne’e pois
dadalia ho ho turista ou ema rai-nain sira ne’e. Maibe iha Hau nia laran, Hau komesa
komunika ba Maromak dehan, “ Aman Maromak Hau agora hakarak ba Ita Bo’ot nia
uma no hakarak hetan esperiensia ne’ebe karik ema seluk hakarak hetan maibe la
bele, favor fo mai Hau ba!” Hau hakfodak tamba Taxista ne’e para derepenti iha
Bengkel ida nia oin no antes nia koalia Hau tun ona husi kareta laran no husu
ba jovem mane ida ne’ebe hadia hela motor no nia hatan katak nia hatene no nia
prontu hatudu dalan mai Hau ba Igreja ne’e. Kontenti los!
Statu Nossa Senora iha Assumtion Church |
Taxi para
iha Igreja ida nia oin ho naran Assumption Church, dehan Hau ba Taxista ne’e “hufffttt.. it’s not St. Mary church but
whatever I’ll go down” Hau tun husi taxi ho oin nervozu los tamba haksesuk
malu konaba’a presu taxi ne’ebe sae a’as liu. Hau nia liman dulas ba los hodi
loke purtaun kor mean Igreja nian. Hau nia ain hakat tama ba area Igreja laran
maibe Hau la hare ema ida mos iha fatin siguransa nian ne’e so rona manu nia
lian no Hu nia matan hateke ba statu kor mutin Nossa Senora tur hodi kous hela
Jesus nia isin iha krus mutin nia oin no iha parte sorin iha statu Jesus hamrik
mesak kor mean kahur mutin. Bainhira Hau sei hamrik hela Hau rona lian ema hase
husi parte Hau nia liman karuk “ hai..
can I help you?” ho suriju Hau hatan
“ hai.. it’s this church open? I want to go inside to pray and look around”
mane ho oin Azia ne’e hatan mai Hau “ yes
the church is open, where you come from?” ho kontenti Hau hatan “ I’m from Timor-Leste” maibe nia oin
hatudu katak nia hanoin makas los no hare ida ne’e Hau kontinua dehan “East Timor..?” espresa hakfodak nia
hatan “aahhhh I know. I read in the news
about Burmanian asylum seekers dumed off in East
Timor on their way to Australia” ho kontenti no suriju luan Hau hatan “ you are right, our Government provide
food & water to them than let them go ahead to Australia, also covered by
our local media”. Hau kontinua koalia
“ can you show me around the church?” nia hatan “ yes! This way!” nia lolo
liman no hatete “My name is Mathias and I’m
Political Asylum from Burma or Myanmar. What is your name?” Hau mos lolo
liman hodi kaer Mathias nia liman no hatan
“ I’m Mariani , are you Catholic and you work here in this church?” enkuantu
lao loke Igreja nia odamatan nia hatan “I
and my family are Catholic born, here come I will show you the place inside the
church that got bomb” no hau hatan “
ya.. I read about that in internet about Catholic Church in Nepal that got bom,
so this is the church? I see, so happy can visit this church. Because before I
want to go other Church name St. mary Church but here I am in the historic
Church” hamnasa luan no Hau nia enerzia sae makas los halo Hau spritu as liu tan tamba sinti Hau iha fatin ne’ebe interesante
tebes. Mathias komesa hatudu fatin feto husi relijiaun Hindu tur iha Igreja
laran no lori bom iha nia pasta laran depois iha Missa klaran bom ne’e nakfera
no halo ema balu mate no kanek todan no mos istraga kontrusaun Igreja nian
balu. Ami para derepenti ami nian konversa tamba Madre ida lao tama mai no
observa hela dekorasaun statu Nossa Senora iha Igreja laran, hare ida ne’e
Mathias dehan mai Hau “that’s Sister
Angelica, she is check the preparation for last Rosary pray today afternoon and
you can talk many things with her too” ho semangat Hau hatan “sure” no lao hakat dadaun ba Madre nia
hamrik fatin ba depois mathias lao sai husi Igreja. Hau koko hase “hai Sister, I’m Mariani from East Timor”
Madre suriju no hatan “hello.. I’m Sister
Angelica from Darjelling, India and I’m work here already for more than 2
years”. “ I see, I been to India in 2011 for internship and travelled and I
like India somuch” dehan Hau. “What
are you doing here Sister?” Madre Angelica hatan “I’m teaching here in the school, the school belong to this curch. A
lot of poor Nepale Kids come to this school and here we only trhee Sisters in
our convenant”. Pergunta kontinua sai husi Hau “how about Nepale catholic here in Nepal after the bomb?” “They’re a
lot here in Mass also some foreigner here in Nepal come to Mass, we have English
mass in Saturday and Nepale language in Sunday. They still scare with the bomb
but also still come to mass. Now excuse me, it’s time for class in school” “
it’s alright Sister, thank your for your time to talk with me. Bye..”.
Sister Angelica from Darjeeling, India. Work in Assumption Church, Kathmandu for more than 2 years |
Inside look Assumption Church, Kathmandu, Nepal. |
Tia ne'ebe servisu aruma no hamos Igreja laran |
Livru Hosana Assumption Church, Kathmandu, Nepal. |
Hasai foto,
reza no hamnasa ho Tia ne’ebe hamos Igreja laran. Lao sai mai hetan alunu sira
no hasai sira nia foto, pois husu ba siguransa karik Hau bele hasoru fali
Mathias hodi hato’o adeus antes fila no siguransa lori Hau ba Mathias nia fatin
no lato’o minutu rua Hau iha tiaona Mathias sira nia kuartu klot laran ne’ebe
iha kama bot ida no iha nia ninin nakonu ho sasan, ropa, laptop ida no iha
ninin sira tau ekipamentus dapur nian. Mathias haruka Hau tur iha kadeira no
nia fo konese nia oan mane no oan feto ne’ebe halimar hela game iha laptop mai
Hau. Nia loke ami nia konversa “this is
our home, father here in the church before gave us this place to live and ask
me to do any work for this curch and work as security, gardener, cleaner and
other things” ho hamnasa ba mathias Hau husu “where is your wife?” Mathias
hatan “she is taking bath outside. This
place is very small for our family but we happy here, it’s safe here” tamba
komesa kuriozu pergunta komesa mosu tan “ if you comfortable I want to know why you
choose to went out from Myanmar?” Mathias hatan ho refleksaun oin bain-bain
“ it’s a long story but it’s because
Myanmar military ask us to give food to a company in my village and I refuse
that so the military want to kill us so, I decide to go out because I scare and
also our ethnic is minority in Burma” depois rona, Hau husu fali “what is your ethnic than?” Mathias
hatan “my ethnic is chin” pergunta
ida mosu tan husi Hau ba Mathias “oouuuhhh..
so sorry to hear that, but why you and your family choose Nepal?” Mathias
hatan “I never know anything before I was
in Burma, because we live in remote village, for example this phone I knew when
I arrive in Nepal, never know anything before come here. Father before help me
a lot to know everything. Than we go to UN in Burma and they bring us cross
India than Nepal and Catholic Church in Nepal help us to get permission from
Nepal Government but we can not stay long time in Nepal. When we cross we have
to pay some money in custom”. “ do your parents still in Burma?” “ yes they in
Burma now” Mathias hatan ho oin tristi, “I
am sorry to remind you about this, do you miss your parents?” “yes I miss them very much but I have my
finger stamp in UN in Burma I scare to go back. Here you can see and take photo
of my UN and other document”. Ho laran tristi Hau hatan “ thank you for share all these things with me
and I will share your story with my people back home. So, they will know and
understand your fighting from my blog” Mathias hatan “Thank you Mariani, God bless you”.
Sertifikadu Political Asylum husi UN ba Mathias no Familia |
Sertidaun Batismu Mathias nian ne'ebe hakerek ihaBurma ou Myanmar nia lian |
Mathias ho nia oan feto no mane |
To iha area
hotel Hau kontinua han meudia iha tuku lima lokraik maibe hahan ne’e la gostu
tebes tamba Hau nia konsentrasaun ba deit iha Mathias nia storia no Hau nia
tempu iha Igreja Assumption ohin loron. Loke odamatan hotel hakfodak tebes hare
feto Xineza, Sherlly ne’ebe koko hela kadeli oin-oin barak los iha nia kama leten.
Hare Hau Sherlly diretamente bolu Hau atu tur iha nia kama leten hodi Hau bele
hare besik kadeli sira ne’e. Hau dehan ba Sherlly “wow.. you spend a lot money for today to bought these rings”
Sherlly hamansa no doko ulun sinal aseita ho Hau nia nia dehan “I can sell this ring again to friends in
Beijing but not in my place Tibet” rona Tibet Hau hatan ho espresaun
hakfodak “so you from Tibet? Your place
Tibet is so beautifull place in world too and it’s my dream to go there but
it’s so difficult with the documents” nia hatan “yes Tibet is very
beautifull and see this photos of Tibet” nia komesa hatudu foto mesak
furak-furak deit konaba’a Tibet. Depois ida ne’e Ami komesa konversa fali, Hau
loke ho pergunta “ so, you like Dalai Lama?” “ no, because hmmm…” nia komesa
fali translate iha nia telefone no hatudu mai Hau no iha ne’eba hakerek “ China
Comunist Party” pois kontinua koalia “China Communist Party don’t like Dalai
Lama” Hau hatan “oohhh I see, do you know the story of Tibetian refugee here in
Nepal? because I visited Tibetian refugee camp in Pokhara two days ago” no ho
espresaun hakfodak tebes nia hatan “Tibetian here are refugee? Why? I see they
a lot walk in the road but I don’t think they are refugee” ladun hakfodak tamba
iha tempu sei sai estudante iha universidade Hau estuda ona konaba’a politika
Nasaun Xina ba Dalai Lama no Tibet no mos Tibet nia istoria. Hau komesa konta
ba nia oin sa refuziadu husi Tibet ne’ebe Hau hasoru iha akampamentu refuziadu
ema Tibet sira iha Sidade ida naran Pokhara iha Nepal. Feto ne’ebe hein Museum
iha Fatin akampamentu refuziadu Tibet ne’e esplika Mai Hau ho oin tristi oinsa
sira husik hela sira nia rai rasik no mai hela iha Nepal no India hanesan
refuziadu no la bele hetan karta identidade nasionalidade ba sira no sira nia
oan ne’ebe moris iha Nepal no nia husu Hau atu konta sira nia istoria ba Oan
timor sira. Depois rona istoria ne’e Sherlly hatudu nia oin tristi no husu mai
Hau “how about children from Tibetian married with Nepale, they have citizen
identity from Nepal? No Hau hatan “I don’t know, maibey yes or maibey not. You
can ask” nia hatan ho seriu “yes I will comeback to their restaurant and ask
Refuziadu Tibet sira halo kabas hodi suku iha akapamentu refuziadu Tibet iha Sidade Pokhara, Nepal |
Saida maka Hau
estuda husi Mathias, political asylum husi Myammar ou Burma no husi refuziadu
Tibet ne’ebe Hau hasoru iha Sidade Pokhara, Nepal. Realidade, Hau nia Nasaun
Timor-Leste ( Governu, Parlamentu, Tribunal, Prezidente Republika no Povu )
trata Hau no Hau nia maluk oan Timor seluk diak tebes. Hanesan oan Timor
presija apresia ho laran tomak ba Nasaun Timor-Leste. No Hau mos estuda tan atu
sempre agradese buat hirak ne’ebe Hau hetan iha moris ne’e tamba ema seluk nia
terus as liu ita nian. Maromak nia dalan O nunka atu bele hatene, hanesan
misteria ida.
N.B.: Dear
Mana Asy Angelina Juliana,
Getting know
you is a bless, I still remembered your statement, with sadness in your face
and tired in your eyes you said to me with Tetun “Hau tristi ituan tamba la bele hanorin Mariani no Sichu buat barak,
padahal iha fatin sira seluk ne’e Hau nia anak didik sira ne’e berhasil hotu”
and right the time I replay to you “Mana,
Hau estuda buat barak ona no liu tan husi Mana nia espektasaun mai ami nia
susesu, depois mak Mana le’e fali iha Hau nia blog Hau sei hakarek saida maka
Hau hetan iha Nepal tamba Mana”. Without your mission to me in Nepal maibey
I never learned about what is big heart and how be more sincere like now and
actually I need these things in my situation now other important is let know
memorable stories and experiences.. Thank a lot Mana Angelina, my pray is God
will find your happiness in give it to you, like I found my happiness on
travelling around our beautifull world.
Dili, 13 Novembru 2014
Mariani VK.