Minggu, 28 September 2014


Naran ida Bobonaro ne’e iha nia siknifika tolu, ida maka Distritu Bobonaro ho nia Kapital iha Sub-Distritu Maliana, Rejional Bobonaro ho nia Kapital mak Sub-Distritu Maliana no ikus maka Sub-Distritu Bobonaro rasik ho nia Kapital mak Bobonaro Villa. Afinal konfuzaun bo’ot ida…? Presija hadia..? Konfuzaun la to’o iha ne’e deit maibe mosu tan pergunta konfuzaun seluk tan  bainhira Hakerek Nain le’e artigu ho lian ingles iha website Wikipedia.com konaba Bobonaro nian. Maka hanesan, iha tempu Portugues nia ukun Distritu Bobonaro nia kapital maka Vila Armindo Monteiro ne’ebe agora Bobonaro Villa ne’e, presija buka hatene istoria ida ne’e nia los? Seluk tan maka Bobonaro Villa mos konesidu ho naran Aubá, liafuan Aubá ne’e mai husi liafuan saida? No Ema Portugal ou Oan Timor maka Aubá ne’e? Konfuzaun no Informasaun sira ne’ebe hamosu husi artigu ida iha Wikipedia.com ne’e validu ou lae ladun importante, importante maka hanesan Oan Bobonaro no Oan Timor tomak bele inspira husi konfuzaun no informasaun husi Wikipedia.com atu peskiza liu tan, observa liu tan, vizita liu tan depois hakerek barak liu tan konaba’a istoria no kondisaun real Bobonaro! Ho objetivu atu hamosu istoria no kondisaun Bobonaro ne’ebe los no real ba Oan Timor tomak no ba mundu.
Merkadu Bobonaro iha tinan 1986 ( Fontes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobonaro#mediaviewer/File:Bobonaro_2.jpg  )

Maibe artigu ne’e laos atu buka tuir konfuzaun no informasaun sira iha leten maibe atu hakerek kona’aba potensia no mos problema ne’ebe hetan iknoria ona, ne’ebe sei esplika klaru tuir mai. Artigu ida ne’e rezultadu husi observasaun Hakerek Nain husi passa tempu kalan tolu loron hat iha Bobonaro. Lao haleu Bobonaro Villa no to’o  mos iha area foho fatuk monu ou iha tempu Portugues nia ukun konesidu ho Pedra Verde, tun ba to’o iha Aldeia Malilu no mos lao ba iha Aldeia Tulu-Ata.
Rejional Bobonaro iha mapa Timor

Sub Distritu Bobonaro iha mapa Rejional Bobonaro

Potensia husi Bobonaro Villa maka turismu uma ou konstrusaun restu tempu Portugues nian ne’ebe Ema Portugues husik hela iha Bobonaro Villa. Uma sira ne’e, konstrusaun restu istilu Portugues nian duni no konstrusaun Uma Xineza sira nian ne’ebe sira hari’i iha tempu Portugues nia ukun. Maski potensia Bobonaro iha rekursu natural hanesan kami, modo, aifunan no dut matak iha foho leten diak tebes ba animal hakiak sira, nst. Maibe tamba saida uma ou konstrusaun restu Portuges nia ukun sai potensia bo’ot?  
Area Kami Laran, Bobonaro Villa

Tuir dadalia ne’ebe Hakerek Nain halo ho Oan Bobonaro ne’ebe uluk hela iha Bobonaro dehan Uma sira ne’e uluk iha tempu Portugues sai hanesan edifisiu, hela fatin Malae Portugal sira, Ospital, eskola, uma ema Xina Timor oan sira mos fatin hodi hala’o sira nia bisnis. Kuandu iha kamera hodi foka no grava maka to’o agora ita sei bele hare saida mak akontese iha kontrusaun historia sira ne’e, valor historia ba Oan Bobonaro no Timor no mos Ema Portugues sira importante tebes atu hatene. Rasional kuandu Ema Portugues sira hakarak hatene historia sira nia Avo sira iha Bobonaro no mos Oan Bobonaro otas agora hakarak hatene sira nia Avo nia historia uluk liu husi konstrusaun sira ne’e.
Area Fatuk Monu ou Pedra verde

Aktividade Komunidade iha Area fatuk Monu ou Pedra Verde, Bobonaro Villa

Informasaun ne’ebe hakfodak tebes mai Hakerek Nain maka iha Bobonaro Villa uluk iha tempu Portugues nia ukun hamrik fatin reza ema Xineza sira no sira ativu tebes iha relijiaun hanesan sira ativu tebes iha aktividade iha eskola Xina no sira nia bisnis. Antaun hatudu Bobonaro Villa hanesan Villa ne’ebe diversidade iha kultura no sosial no sira moris iha harmonia laran. Valor dame mosu ona iha Bobonaro Villa tempu ne’eba no interesante atu estuda fenomena ne’e no bele sai modelu ba Timor-Leste, la presija halo estudu komparativu iha rai liur.

Hanoin simples ida dehan hanesan ne’e; “halo saida Oan Timor prekupa ho Ema Portugues sira nia sasan, ho ida ne’e Ita sei halo Portugues buras iha Timor”. Hanoin nasionalismu ida ne’ebe diak, maibe laos valor ida ne’e maka ita atu haburas, dada turismu maka tengki sai ita nia objetivu. Objetivu ne’ebe uza sasan Portugues sira nian ne’ebe lembra fila fali tempu kolonialismu atu fo vantazem ekonomia no impaktu seluk ba Oan Bobonaro no Timor tomak. Maibe objetivu ne’e seidauk bele realiza tamba la iha atensaun husi Governu Timor-Leste no Oan Bobonaro sira ne’ebe namakari iha rai laran no liur liu-liu sira ne’ebe sei hela iha Bobonaro Villa. Hakerek nain, nia analiza maka karik seidauk iha lisaun ou vizaun konaba’a importante husi konstrusaun historia bele sai potensia ekonomia liu husi setor turismu ba Oan Bobonaro, no mos Polítika turismu Timor-Leste seidauk tau importansia ba setor ida ne’e.
Observasaun ne’ebe iha, konstrusaun restu tempu Portugues ( konstrusaun istilu Portugues no Ema Xina ) kuaze liu husi sanulu. Konstrusaun restu sira ne’e to’o agora sei hamrik hela maibe ho kondisaun ne’ebe ladun diak no balu sei uza hanesan edifisiu no hela fatin Komunidade nian no mos balu sai konstrusaun abandona. Uma Xineza sira iha Bobonaro Villa sai hela fatin ba komunidade balun iha Bobonaro maibe saida mak akontese maka la iha tratamentu no hijiene ba uma sira ne’e. eskola Xina ne’ebe uluk sai fatin orgulhu no grava momentum istoria barak sai hanesan kontrusaun abandona, istraga iha nia parte barak no balu sai fahi luhan no fahi nia lao halimar fatin. Fatin reza ema Xineza nian ne’ebe hari’i iha tempu Kolonialismu Portugues mos hetan istraga no t to’o agora la iha rin konstrusaun maka hamrik.
Konstrusaun Istilu Portugues iha area Kompania, Bobonaro Villa ne'ebe hatudu nia paredi komesa at ona.

Uma Istilu Portugues nia paredi komesa at dadaun ona, iha lapangan area Kompania, Bobonaro Villa.

Uma istilu Portugues husi konstrusaun kolonial iha Bobonaro Villa ne'ebe sai fahi luhan.

Eskola Xina iha Aldeia Malilu, Bobonaro Villa. Hanesan mos konstrusaun restu kolonialismu. Agora sai konstrusaun abandona no at no mos sai fatin pasiar fahi sira nian

Eskola Xina husi sorin, hatudu nia paredi komesa at dadaun.

Eskola Xina husi kotuk. Hatudu konstrusaun ne'ebe komesa atu monu rahun ona

Konseitu reservasaun sei salva potensia konstrusaun tempu Portugues iha Bobonaro Villa
Zeralmente konservasaun maka, aktividade haburas ou prosesu maneija fatin ida, sala, objetu ne’ebe hola parte iha prosesu tomak komesa husi preservasaun, restorasaun, rehabilitasaun, rekonstrusaun, adaptasaun to’o revilitasaun atu nune’e siknifika ne’ebe inkluidu iha laran bele hakiak ou konserva ho diak. Konservasaun konstrusaun atu nune’e siknifika ne’ebe inkuidu iha laran bele hakiak nafatin ho diak-Burra Charters, 1988- ( translate husi artigu iha Jurnal Reka Karsa, Indonezia ).
Impaktu husi konservasaun ba konstrusaun kolonialismu Portugues iha Bobonaro maka konstrusaun no sei iha rehabilitasaun no rekonstrusaun tuir nia situsaun orijinal ba sira ne’ebe at ona. Importante maka konstrusaun Kolonialismu sira ne’e bele hetan konserva hodi hakiak siknifika lolos ne’ebe bele dada turista husi rai laran no rai liur hodi hare. Lukru iha ekonomia maka impaktu lolos husi konservasaun konstrusaun kolonialismu husi uma istilu Portugues, konstrusaun istilu Xineza no uma relijiaun Xineza nian.
Ezemplu konstrusaun Kolonialismu nia tempu ne’ebe sai fatin famozu turismu maka: Parede Igreja St. Paul iha Macao, Xina hanesan konstrusaun restu Portugues ne’ebe hetan vizita Turismu barak tebes iha tinan-tinan, iha Indonezia konstrusaun restu Olanda, Lawang Sewu sai fatin turismu famozu. Iha Goa no fatin balu iha Sudeste India sai fatin famozu ba turismu tamba nia konstrusaun-konstrusaun Kolonialismu Portugues no Inglantera nian. Hatudu, konstrusaun kolonialismu sira ne’e bele fo vantazem ba area turismu ba nasaun ida hodi fo lukru ba ekonomia nasaun ne’e.
Konstrusaun uma sira ne’e iha nia valor istoria no kultura ne’ebe riku. Reprezenta istoria lubuk husi Bobonaro Villa ne’ebe sei sai informasaun ba Otas foun Bobonaro oan sira, Oan Timor no povu mundu. Tamba konstrusaun Kolonia Portugues no Xineza ne’e hatudu diferensia kultura, istoria, teknolojizia ne’ebe sai rikusoin diversidade Timor-Leste nian liu-liu Bobonaro Villa nian.
Dili, Setembru 2014
Mariani VK.

Sabtu, 20 September 2014


Visited India for internship is a dream for most university students in world. It is a honour and exited felling when my airplane landed in Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Dehli, India at December 02th 2011. I was there for internship with a NGO for Indegenous or Tribal People of India project, with another trainee we did research to know how India tribal people now and what is the change happened to them now.
India is a country in South Asia which rich in culture and custume, Tribal People of India or Indigenous People of India not so famous if compare with India food, with the dance, with the cobra, movie industry, and tourism spot. I found some books in english written about India tribal people and some video also but still not making India Tribal people famous as the movie industry, the food ect.

This Pic taken by writer, Indigenous or Tribal People of India old woman and her grandchildren sitting in outsitetheir house for warm them self in sun after long night cold in winter season.[1]

Indigenous or tribal people literally translated to original inhabitants[2] or a origin society living for long time in specific area and growth with their culture, religion, custome, agriculture thecnic for farmer or fishing technic for fisher. Tribal people in India has called Adivasi[3]. Adivasi is one of larger population in India and they have rich culture and each Adivasi has different own identity and cultural.[4] There are 697 tribes recognize in india by Central Government.[5] Adivasi has been occupied more than one state in India, more than half of Adivasi live in the States like Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Maharashtra, Orrisa, Jharkhand and Gujarat, in area as Haryana, Punjab, Dehli, Pondicherry and Chandigarh no community has been notified as specific tribal group.[6] The other India tribal societies are foud in Rajasthan, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Andaman and Nicobar islands, West Bengal, Mizoram and other states in Northeastern India.[7]
Long century ago Adivasi has their own territories, science, thecnology, way of life, religion, language and cultural.[8] Government of India made effort to integrate Adivasi to majority within a national and political system but this effort create pressure Adivasi, for example majority pressure Adivasi to practice Majority religions like Hinduism, Christian, Islam and Bhuddist and leaved Adivasi religions which already practiced for long time by them.[9] The most occupation of Adivasi is agriculture and shepherd beside that Adivasi also has occupation as carpenter, trader, digger and navy, ect.[10] In India Adivasi recognize as low caste and outsystem of Hindu[11], it’s mean tribal people of India has no in Hindu religion system and their treate as low people by middle and hight class in social interaction.

Adivasi old woman standing in wall pating in her house. The paiting show about India war situation and other custume. She painting her wall with colour from plants not use crayon which product from specific chemical.[12]

[1] Private source.                                                                      
There are paintings with the writing information on the painting in Museum of City Palace, Udaipur, Rajhastan, India inform about Adivasi also fought againts British colonialism[13]. It’s mean Adivasi has given effort to India fighting or war againts Eangland and Adivasi contribution continue until now, where Adivasi give their own cultural, religion, way of life, custom, jewellery, force to India civilization which interesting to tourist and researcher around world come to India to see and study about Adivasi and India.
Seem in a flash Adivasi people same as poor people in India, same in clothes, house condition, and lifestyle ect. But Mr. Narendra Sisodia ( Head of NGO Niru Foundation) has told there have different beetween poor people and Adivasi people, for example from their language and pronuntiation different from poor people which not Adivasi.[14]
Is Adivasi People change today?
A lot things about Adivasi are interesting to know or to research. There are a lot of tribal people in world from another country beside India but India tribal people interesting because they are “dreadful” to majority because Adivasi people reputed with uncivilization people in India.[15] Taxi driver was really shocking when I said to him that I live one day full with Adivasi family, he said “are you oke with their house and food? Are they nice to you? They are bad people because they not civilization”[16]. Most Indian astonished in face if I told them about what I do in Gujarat, India with Adivasi people. It is the interesting thing about Adivasi to research and adventure with.
Observation was doing in one family Adivasi People that living in Pancmahal District, Gujarat, India. They are Rathwa family, Rathwa is one of Adivasi people class and Rathwa use in people from this Adivasi class as their surename.[17] This family have twelve family members that live in one house, they are; father, mother with four children, two wife from their two sons and four grandchildren[18]. Family occupation is agriculture in their own land, Rathwa family have big land for agriculture and have two buffalo.[19] The father said education is not important to them, when I asked who is from the children finished their senior hight school than the father answered that no one of his children finished in elementary school and he said to me that his youngest daughter is studying in elementary school now but in my observation the girl is not show she has a book, pen and she not went to school the day we there and she is not in the school when we visited the elementary school in their village[20] and the old sister working on construction in the Ahmedabad City and the old brothers take care land with their father and mother.[21] Previous page mentioned India Government has policy to integrate Adivasi people to majority so, they can have their right as India nationality. India Government provide free basic until hight school education for Adivasi people and Public universities in India give big opportunity and free eduction to Young Adivasi who want continue study in university more than majority, said Adivasi Woman which become member of Parliament in India.[22] But, She said again most even in big number of Youth and Young Adivasi not take this good opportunity to adapt in their life and there also no support from their parents to let their children take this opportunity. She said “It’s because I go to school and university, so I can become my self today not like most Adivasi people who like to doing work in junggle and not like to go school. So, this all can inform that India Government policy to Adivasi people is not successfull, there still big number of Adivasi people not finished their school than of course they can not enjoy what majority enjoy like education, economic, public facilities and infrastructure ect.
Rathwa Family house.[23]
Rathwa family confession that they still practice their marriage custom, language and their other cultural ceremony in their own culture way which taught by their ancetor.[24] In marriege ceremony Rathwa family and the other Adivasi people doing the custume combine Adivasi culture and Hinduism custom[25].

This is Rathwa Family that become my research object.[26]

Daily life of Rathwa family is interesting to expose, there injustice and equality between man and woman on duty everyday. In the morning all woman in house will start working from prepare breakfast to family, clean the shelter and take out shit og buffalo with hands and made floor from it than continue work in field help the father, cooking for lunch, washing and other things.[27] All woman did these work everyday in same time. But these all work were not doing by all man on in rathwa family, in the morning they just sitting and have breakfast when the woman were working.[28] Rathwa family’s were astonishement when they look at my tootbrush, colgate and soap when I clean up my self in the morning and than I found out that they not use toothbrush and toothpaste to clean their tooth but they use small wood which they bite until become like brush than use toclean their tooth everyday and they not have shower the day and two babies of rathwa family was not got hygine treatment.[29]
Rathwa family daughter wood which she bite until become like brush than use toclean her tooth every morning.[30]
Clothes as jeans, trouser, jacket, shirt & T-shirt are wearing clothes of Rathwa family members but the women and girls wearing traditional clothes like sari and others, in observation Rathwa family not wearing special jewellery of Adivasi People that I seen before in Adivasi Festival in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India at December 2011 and there is no specific reason why rathwa family not wearing the beautifull Adivasi jewallery. Rathwa family economic condition is in low classification or rate, living in traditional house, electricity support from Government which on view hours in night, doesn’t has electric device and inside house condition is very poor.[31] But Rathwa family also adapt modernization in their life, such as Rathwa family members has mobile phone, wearing (jeans, shirt, T-shirt, socks ect), operating machine to get water for their farm or agriculture and Rathwa family praticed Hindu.[32]
The Great Philosopher of Sociology said impossible to change behavior of people or society without change their ethic system and impossible to change their ethic system without study or know about their theology system ( values of cultural) ( Max Weber, Capitalism). The political India Government to integrate Adivasi to majority after view years got Independent from British is not successfull base on observation already done.
Adivasi still live in their theology system ( values of cultural ) for example Adivasi people not participation in education and they choose to not use shelter which build by Government with excuse that they not felt comfortable with building from wall[33]. Education is way to change their theology system ( values of cultural ) but first India Government must colaboration with Adivasi self with ojective to learn more about Adivasi self directly or political formula is bottom-up.
In the last, I hope my country and Government Timor-Leste can learn something from this research about Tribal people. Timor-Leste Tribal or rural people is in different condition as India Tribal people but there are same phenomena is some Timor-Leste Goverment political to tribal or rural people is not correct somehow. For example Rural people asking or need fix school building and more chair and table for students but Goverment busy with open street in rural area, when Timorese Juvenil in big number leaved their school for unimportant reason Government create socialization about drugs, gender and give aid in agriculture stuff to rural people. 
My Self with the dancers in Adivasi Fair in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. Winter 2012.

C.R. Bijoy. “The Adivasis of Indian-A History of Discrimanation Conflict And Resistance” Essay in PUCL Bulletin, February 2003.



Observation in Field:

Disccus with Head of NGO Niru Foundation Mr. Narendra Sisodia.
Data from Study tour in Museum of City Palace, Udaipur, Rajhastan, India. December 2011.
Disccus with Head of NGO Niru Foundation Mr. Narendra Sisodia.
Opinion from some non-Adivasi people in Gujarat and Dehli. Interview Section. December 2011-January 2012.
Opinion from Taxi Driver in Dehli. Interview Section. January 2012.
Observation a day in Rathwa Family. January 2011.
Interview with Adivasi Woman which become member Parlament. January 2012.
Observation a day in Rathwa Family and interview Rathwa family. January 2011.
Observation in Adivasi villages area near by Godhra District.
India, January 2012
Mariani VK.

[1] Private Source                                                                       
[2] C.R. Bijoy. “The Adivasis of Indian-A History of Discrimanation Conflict And Resistance” Essay in PUCL Bulletin, February 2003.
[3] Ibid.                                                                  
[4] “India Tribal People”. Indianetzone, http:www.indianetzone.com/37/indian_tribal_people.htm.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] C.R. Bijoy. “The Adivasis of Indian-A History of Discrimanation Conflict And Resistance” Essay in PUCL Bulletin, February 2003.
[9] “Tribal Religion”. http:countrystudies.us/india/57.htm
[10] R.V. Russel. 2007. “The Tribes and castes of The Central Province of India Volume III”. http:www.gutenberg.org/files/22010-h/22010-h.htm.
[11] Disccus with Head of NGO Niru Foundation Mr. Narendra Sisodia. Data from obrservation in field during Research activity in India December 2011- January 2012.
[12] Private source.                                                                     
[13] Data from Study tour in Museum of City Palace, Udaipur, Rajhastan, India. December 2011
[14] Disccus with Head of NGO Niru Foundation Mr. Narendra Sisodia. Data from obrservation in field during Research activity in India December 2011- January 2012.
[15] Opinion from some non-Adivasi people in Gujarat and Dehli. Interview Section. December 2011-January 2012.
[16] Opinion from Taxi Driver in Dehli. Interview Section. January 2012.
[17] Observation a day in Rathwa Family. January 2011.
[18] Ibid.
[19] Ibid.
[20] Ibid.
[21] Ibid.
[22] Interview with Adivasi Woman which become member Parlament. January 2012.
[23] Private source.
[24] Observation a day in Rathwa Family and interview Rathwa family. January 2011.
[25] Ibid
[26] Private source.
[27] Observation a day in Rathwa Family and interview Rathwa family. January 2011.
[28] Ibid.
[29] Ibid.
[30] Private source.
[31] Ibid.
[32] Ibid.
[33] Observation in Adivasi villages area near by Godhra District.